Just letting you guys know that December will not have a Member of the Month. Instead, we are going to be celebrating the whole @Registered member list!

Since some of us can't send out mail properly, we are going to do a virtual card exchange! That's right! Stuff we can make in the digital world!

So, here is the idea. Pick 3 or 4 members (all would even be great haha!) and send them a digital card through a Private Conversation! These can be downloaded images (with permission) or personally made digital cards. You can even create printable cards, so that everyone can print out their card for physical display! Yes, you can even "sign" the card to add an even more personal touch!

I hope everyone has a great holiday season! I know that not everyone celebrates the same holidays, so if you want to list the holiday you DO celebrate, here is the place to do that.

As for me, I celebrate the Solstice and the Longest Night. This is usually done through bonfires and lots of dancing. Tributes to the sun (rebirth) and moon (depends on the cycle) are very common.

Remember, we are to judge NO ONE on the ideas and beliefs they have. Anyone who makes light of another person's beliefs will be removed on sight. This zone has a "no tolerance to intolerance" policy.

If you do not wish to receive cards, please let us know below, so we don't accidentally send you something you may find offensive.
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