
Staff member
LDSA Premium


Real Name
Rene Kunert
Legend of Zelda.
Just post a fact about yourself.

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  • Do not share facts that you aren’t comfortable with the whole world knowing.
  • Do not ask another member about their fact.
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  • Actually… no questions are allowed about anything in this thread. It could get messy.
I don't dye my hair anymore.
I hate doing housework!!
I am addicted to online shopping
Sometimes I feel very lonely
I don't have a lot of confidence in my abilities.
I taught myself how to knit and crochet from watching YouTube videos.
I had a little book called Crochet stiches, where I learnt to crochet. I created my own crochet waistcoat without a pattern, using basic chain stitches, and entered a competition with it.....not expecting anything from it, but found I had won and it was printed in their crochet book!!
My nan taught me a few knitting stiches, and I taught myself to follow a pattern and made a picture jumper from a pattern. I loved doing this prior to having kids, but not made anything since then.
I used to do a lot of work in Photoshop and learned how to do actions, manipulations, etc. I had a site where you could download my actions, tube and scrap kits. Haven't done any in years. I kind of miss it.
awesome, I no do not have PS on my newest computer, and I never got on with actions, they never worked for me always failed part way through! :sad: I have used Paintshop pro for years and don't have any problems with that. I use PSP scripts from time to time. I know a lady that creates them. I liked PS for their styles and a few other things

I create scrapkits, but these days there is too much competition with AI kits
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