
Not a Lurker
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I'm in western Oregon, the Willamette Valley, on the low slopes of the Coast Range, specifically. Autumn hasn't reached the trees yet, but the wineries have turned to gold. photo ©Forbeshttps___specials-images.forbesimg.com_imageserve_5f4be32f92d382d4f7e2e60f_0x0.jpg
Where I live now is mainly town, but on the outskirts there are plenty of woodlands and forests,
this is one of my fav places to go; click link - Hainault Forest
I love the lake and there is an animal section, like a mini zoo, which includes, peacocks and many other birds, Horses, large and small, Goats, Lamas/Alpacas, Sheep, pigs, etc
Where I live now is mainly town, but on the outskirts there are plenty of woodlands and forests,
this is one of my fav places to go; click link - Hainault Forest
I love the lake and there is an animal section, like a mini zoo, which includes, peacocks and many other birds, Horses, large and small, Goats, Lamas/Alpacas, Sheep, pigs, etc
I had a childhood friend whose family came from near there! Know any Bausfields?
Sorry no. I do not know anyone of that name. I live about 10 minutes drive from there and hubby has a cousin who lives 5 minutes away in the other direction.
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